
Voters Reject High School Bond Issue

For the second time in less than a year, voters in the Alhambra school district have rejected a high school bond issue that would have raised $43 million for new classrooms and other facilities.

Measure HS failed to muster the more than two-thirds approval required for such taxes. Only 57.8% of those voting approved the measure Tuesday.

Although a few walk-in absentee ballots are still to be counted, school officials said they do not expect the results to change.


The bond measure did worse than it did last June, when the same measure narrowly missed approval by 214 votes--with 64.2% of those casting ballots in favor. However, voters last June approved a $30-million bond issue for elementary schools.

If Measure HS had won approval Tuesday, property owners would have paid nearly $25 extra for each $100,000 of assessed value on their property.

The school district includes Alhambra and parts of south San Gabriel and Rosemead, which are served by another elementary district.
