
Rethinking Unions

As a conservative Republican, the last thing in the world I would ever want to do is join a union, but my experience working for a “dot-com” company has opened my eyes to some of the issues discussed in “Workers at ‘Dot-Com’ Firms Seek to Unionize” [Nov. 29].

What I have found is that start-ups need a certain kind of worker to do just that--start up. For instance, one Marina del Rey company needed writers to give their magazine and Web site a “face.” Once those writers compiled a body of print and electronic content over a period of time, the owners used that content to sell the company to investors. Then they decided to no longer be a sports magazine and site, but instead to be a portal for recreation athletes. Thus, all the exploited writers, who were not under contract nor protected by a union, were sent packing.


Hermosa Beach
