
A Media Family Feud Viewed From the Outside

It’s a shame that such a prestigious newspaper should suffer the embarrassment of Brian Lowry, a columnist who uses the widely read Calendar section to air his petty, acrimonious attacks on someone who is beloved by the public at large (“The Trouble With Synergy: A Media Family Feud,” Aug. 1).

Lowry launched his second attack of the year on Sam Rubin, a television entertainment reporter for “The KTLA Morning News.” His onslaught impugned the entire morning newscast, calling it “Los Angeles’ foremost clown college,” and accused Rubin of “pretty much lift[ing] everything he reads from the trade papers.” He added that “if Daily Variety columnist Army Archerd calls in sick, Rubin might as well stay home too.”

There are several disturbing things about this. First, virtually all entertainment reporters on television, radio, and even in print borrow their material from Archerd’s column. Second, we’ve all seen Rubin on location, covering the Academy Awards, film festivals, and location shoots for movies. We’ve seen him interviewing the stars one-on-one, in public and in studio (haven’t seen Lowry out there interviewing anyone). Third, the “clown college” he refers to is one of the two most popular morning newscast shows in the Los Angeles area. Evidently more people watch “Morning News” than read Lowry’s column.


Lowry tries to compare what he does with what Rubin does. There is no comparison. Sam Rubin’s reports are witty, humorous, uninhibited, knowledgeable and insightful. Brian Lowry’s writing is mean, vindictive, cold, acerbic and pompous.



Sam Rubin is simply wonderful. I read The Times every morning while listening to the genuinely witty banter of the KTLA morning crew. Both provide sources of news that I would hate to do without, Sam’s “lifted” reporting included.

I make my living from the entertainment industry and have no qualms with my industry news coming from some sources with a bit of giddy enthusiasm. Some news can actually come in through the funny bone and still be legit.


Thanks for your fun reporting.


Los Angeles

I get KTLA on my satellite dish and couldn’t agree more with Lowry’s comments about its news in general and Sam Rubin in particular. It’s a sad fact that this rather strange newscast (absolutely the strangest I’ve ever seen, and I work in TV) is so popular--a far cry from the once-respected KTLA.

Well, they still do a great job on the Rose Parade.


