
Two for the Environment

Two creative environmental measures deserve special attention from Gov. Gray Davis as he works through the hundreds of measures awaiting his signature or veto. They are AB 1571, sponsored by Assembly Speaker Antonio Villaraigosa (D-Los Angeles) and Sen. Jim Brulte (R-Rancho Cucamonga), and AB 993, by Assemblyman Kevin Shelley (D-San Francisco). The Villaraigosa-Brulte bill would attack health-threatening air pollution caused by diesel engines. The Shelley bill would establish a systematic, science-based approach to the creation and management of the state’s protected marine areas.

AB 1571 would offer state grants to farmers, truckers and others to help replace or retrofit dirty, older diesel engines with clean-burning units. The program is needed because these engines, for a variety of reasons, escape the smog controls applied to passenger cars; in part that’s because affordable clean-burning diesel engines have been slow to develop. The program would apply to farm tractors, diesel marine engines, big highway trucks, railroad locomotives and others. The grants would be based on the amount of pollution reduction achieved.

The Legislature has appropriated $48 million to start the grants, which are expected to total $150 million a year, subject to yearly appropriation. This bill is needed to make certain the program is properly administered and monitored by the state Air Resources Board. The oversight should be tough, so the measure isn’t seen as pork for the trucking industry.


AB 993 requires the Department of Fish and Game to develop by April 1, 2001, a master plan for the designation and protection of marine management areas, mostly coastal segments set aside to halt the decline of fish and other marine species. Existing areas have been established without adequate protection plans, resulting in a continuing decline in fisheries. Shelley’s measure would protect fisheries and preserve wild ocean places.

The environment has been a relative winner in Sacramento this year, particularly with approval of a $2-billion parks bond issue for the March ballot. Davis’ signing of these two measures would add luster to that record.
