
Religion IN BRIEF : Anglican Cleric to Boycott Meeting

Religion News Service

One of the Anglican Communion’s 38 primates, Archbishop Moses Tay of Singapore, says he will not attend the meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council being held this month in Dundee, Scotland.

Tay’s boycott of what he called “heretical” Scotland appears to be a replay of the strife-riven Lambeth meeting of the world’s Anglican bishops last year, in which homosexuality issues sharply divided the prelates.

Although Tay is not a member of the ACC, the 100-member body of bishops, clergy and laity that meets every two or three years between the Lambeth Conferences, he would have been present as one of the five members of the standing committee of the Anglican primates and would have had a voice but not a vote during ACC deliberations.


Tay’s objection rests on what he and others see as the deliberate flouting of last year’s Lambeth Conference resolutions on biblical authority and morality. In particular, he said the Lambeth resolution that condemned homosexual practice as incompatible with Scripture was being ignored in Scotland.
