
Check It Out

Books recommended for young readers by Ilene Abramson, senior librarian, Los Angeles Public Library:

For Halloween, here are some funny and informative books.

Preschool to first grade: “Cinderhazel” by Deborah Nourse Lattimore

A dirt-loving witch flies on a vacuum cleaner.


Second and third grade: “Bat Bones and Spider Stew” by Michelle Poploff, illustrated by Bill Basso

Henry visits new friend’s house and discovers creepy inhabitants are fun-loving.


Fourth grade; “Kids’ Pumpkin Projects” by Deanna Cook

A pumpkin celebration.


Fifth grade: “Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man” by Wendelin Van Draanen

Breezy mystery set during Halloween season.


Parents and teenagers: “How to Haunt a House for Halloween” by Friedhoffer, with Harriet Brown


Magic tricks, optical illustrations, spooky effects.


Some of the books to be read on KCET’s “Storytime,” Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

* Mirette on the Highwire by Emily Arnold McCully

Monsieur Bellini, a mysterious retired tight-wire walker, teaches little Mirette to walk the tightrope. But Mirette must help him overcome his own fear before they can become a successful new act. (Themes: determination, concern for others)


* The Gullywasher by Joyce Rossi

While waiting for the gullywasher (a desert thundershower) to pass, Letitia learns of her grandfather’s past when he was a vaquero, a cowboy. (Themes: family legends, imagination, nature).


* Contrary Mary by Anita Jerarn

Mary the Mouse decides to do the opposite of what she is supposed to do, including dressing backward and walking on her hands. That night, her mother tucks Mary in bed upside down, kisses her toes and says good morning (Themes: cooperation, family, opposites).
