
Outlandish Clothing Invites Teasing at School

I enjoy Sandy Banks’ column very much, but I was dumbfounded when I read her column on Sept. 21 (“Mom Fights the Good Fight for Gay Son”). It was about Felisa Ihly, whose lobbying resulted in our Legislature passing the Dignity for All Students Act.

How can you be sympathetic to a mother who would let her son go to school wearing nail polish, makeup and 3-inch heels? That mother should have let her son know that this is not acceptable for school! What did he expect? Of course he would be teased if he went to school looking like that. Use some common sense! He wasn’t being harassed because was gay, but because he called attention to it. What do you think would happen to a boy who wore a fishing vest and waders to school? You think he wouldn’t be teased? There is nothing wrong with being a fisherman, but school is not the place to wear your equipment.

Parents should not be afraid to set boundaries for their children. --KATHY CLEARY

Thousand Oaks
