
Name That Company

I was formed in 1996 when Lockheed Martin bought my predecessor. I’m one of only five major satellite suppliers in the world and am also involved in broadband data services and global telephony. Since 1957, I’ve been hired to build nearly 200 satellites. By 2002 my Fixed Satellite Services unit expects to have 16 satellites in orbit, with nearly 140 transponders. My stock price tumbled last year during an investigation into whether the U.S. allowed sensitive missile technology to pass to the Chinese and after a Ukrainian rocket crashed, taking with it 12 satellites. Things are looking up now, though. Who am I?


Last Week’s Trivia Answer

I’m 70 years old, but my origins can be traced back to the mid-1800s. Within my walls you can shop at Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s, Burdines, Rich’s, Lazarus, Goldsmith’s, Bon Marche, Stern’s and Fingerhut. One of my executives convinced FDR to extend the Christmas shopping season by changing when Thanksgiving occurs. I filed for bankruptcy in the early ‘90s but I’m doing well now. I’ve been running a popular parade for 75 years. I operate about 400 stores in 33 states and am the largest company in my field. In 1998 I raked in almost $16 billion in sales. Who am I?


Answer: Federated Department Stores

Our Los Angeles Times winner is ...

Stan Kaplan of Santa Monica, who will win a copy of “The Motley Fool Investment Guide” by David and Tom Gardner.
