
Pink with Laughter

I howled with laughter while reading Amy Alkon’s “The Return of the Pink Rambler” (May 2). The family car that I grew up with was a Nash Rambler, and I learned to drive in a Metro. My father is a retired LAPD detective, so boy, could I relate. Thank you for publishing this talented woman’s work.

Pamela Lovell



Yes, it’s pink. Yes, it’s cool. Yes, it was a good Hitchcockian McGuffin for a pleasing story by a smart writer. But it is not a 1960 Nash Rambler because there is no such thing.

Ramblers were indeed produced in 1960, but not under the Nash name. Nash last gasped in 1957, so that’s the terminus ante quem for dating her car.


David Wilson

Laguna Beach
