
Protection for Least Terns

The Ventura Audubon Society recently constructed an enclosure near the Santa Clara River estuary as a protected place for the endangered least terns to make their nests.

At this time of year, many other shorebirds nest in the estuary, including American avocets, black-necked stilts, killdeer, snowy plovers, mallards and several species of herons. Thus the estuary has been declared a continentally important bird area by the American Bird Conservancy.

Please refrain from taking dogs past the fenced tern area for the duration of the shorebird breeding season (through Aug. 1). I love to take my dog there every week but I will not be doing that during the summer. The risk of the dog trampling or eating shorebird eggs or nestlings is very high.


Also, please watch your own step in that area, because eggs laid in hollows in the sand or mud flats are well camouflaged. You will be notified that you are in a nesting area--the shorebirds will scream at you! Take a hint, and walk somewhere else on the beach. Especially, stay off the mud flats.

Thank you for your consideration.

KAY REGESTER, Secretary, Ventura Audubon Society, Ventura
