
Development of Crystal Cove Park

* As a former chair of the California Coastal Commission and now as director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, I join with most Californians in their concern about the private use of California’s public beaches (“The Parks Are for Everyone,” April 6 editorial).

But while no final decision on the proposed development at Crystal Cove State Park’s historic district has been made, there are some important facts about which you should be aware.

Contrary to what some believe, the current proposal calls for the beach area and its many improvements to be open to the public. In addition, if the plan were to be approved by the state Park and Recreation Commission and the California Coastal Commission, all operations would be developed and maintained in full compliance with the department’s stringent rules and regulations.


This is not to imply in any way that a decision on the proposed development at Crystal Cove has been made.

More study and work--including public input--will precede action by the two commissions.

As the director, I am committed to ensuring that any project we undertake at any of our beautiful parks follows our noble mission to help protect California’s most valued natural and cultural resources and to create new opportunities for high-quality outdoor recreation.

At a complex park such as Crystal Cove, with a registered historic district and high-demand beaches, the challenges are numerous. But our mission will not be denigrated in the process, regardless of the final decision.



Director, Department

of Parks and Recreation

* I recently wrote Gov. Gray Davis, asking him if he is planning to go through with former Gov. Pete Wilson’s plan for Crystal Cove State Park.

I am certain that public lands belong to the people. The plan to allow a state park to be turned over to a developer should never be permitted.

Crystal Cove is a beautiful open-air park, and I like it the way it is.

Is anyone thinking of our future Southern California generations in this matter? Shouldn’t we be thinking about them?


There are many arguments against going ahead with this Wilson administration plan. We all know this plan is not fair to the people of Southern California.


