
St. Catherine of Siena Plans Anniversary Events

The St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Parish will celebrate its 50th anniversary Sunday with Mass and a dinner.

When the parish was founded in 1949, services were held at the Reseda Theater on Sherman Way and in the parish hall, said the Rev. Sean B. Flanagan, pastor.

The church, which was dedicated in 1966, was heavily damaged in the 1994 Northridge earthquake. The first Sunday after the quake, Flanagan said, Mass was said in a tent. Then for 10 months, services were held in the parish hall until the church reopened after $600,000 in repairs.


“We were very lucky though,” said Flanagan. “Nothing bonded us more than that tent Mass.”

As many as 1,500 parishioners are expected for Sunday’s anniversary Mass, which will be said in English and Spanish, Flanagan said.The service will begin at 3 p.m. in the church, at 18115 Sherman Way and will be followed by a free dinner at 4:30 p.m.

For more information, call the church at (818) 343-2110.
