
The Stellar Steward of the Griffith Observatory

Many thanks to the magazine and K. C. Cole for introducing readers to the man we call the “City Astronomer”: Ed Krupp, director of Griffith Observatory (“Star-Struck,” Feb. 14). For those of us dedicated to the renewal of the observatory, it is a pleasure to work with someone of Krupp’s integrity, spirit and just plain good sense.

While traveling the world in search of star projectors, domes and other equipment essential to the upgrading of the planetarium, it has been rewarding to see people everywhere react with a respectful “Wow!” when they hear that we’re from Los Angeles. Griffith Observatory is not a research facility; yet in the world of science museums and observatories, it is seen as the L.A. landmark.

We, the Friends of the Observatory, are here to make sure it continues on well into the next century.


Kara Knack



I’ve had the pleasure of working with Krupp for many years, and Cole’s article truly captures his very special spirit. Krupp is the closest thing to a real-life “Indiana Jones” I’ve ever met.

Elliott Porter

