
Editing Songs for Radio

Geoff Boucher’s telling it the way it is about the editing of Everlast’s “What It’s Like,” and this indirectly poses a very interesting question: Can anything be done to scratch out this ridiculous censorship (“Is Radio Going Off the Bleep End?,” July 24)?

Web radio may be the answer. Millions of people all over the country are completely fed up with what mainstream radio has to offer: not just the so-called “music-edits” of “naughty words,” but also the endless commercials, the same songs over and over again and not much else.

Radio lovers have been turned into radio refugees! Radio professionals like myself who love their craft are also getting increasingly frustrated by the limitations of working a mainstream commercial format. Something, as they say, had to give.


So just under a year ago, some radio colleagues and I, with a little help from a national green group, decided to create Zero24-7 Web Radio for all those radio refugees who deserve a better place to call home. It’s just a few clicks away on your computer at Streaming globally and playing locally, Zero has zero music-edits, zero commercials, zero playlists and is a service of America’s premiere population environmental group, ZPG. Listeners can expect to hear 360 degrees of music with none of those annoying edits and commercials. And yes, Everlast’s “What It’s Like” gets played as well as other songs from his LP “Whitey Ford Sings the Blues”--uncut.


Program director

Zero24-7 Web Radio

