
GM, Tobacco Damage Awards

Re “GM Ordered to Pay $4.9 Billion in Crash Verdict,” July 10: Have no fear. The government will never allow some jury to take away $4.9 billion from General Motors, even though the jury was instructed to award an amount sufficient to punish the auto maker.

Of course, in a criminal trial, the jury is specifically instructed not to consider penalty or punishment when determining guilt. So following conviction in a third-strike case, judges routinely sentence men to serve 25 years to life (and more) in prison, no matter what the offense.

The government will protect money from the people. But who protects people from the government?



Deputy Public Defender



Michael Ramirez’s cartoon (crushing out “Self-Responsibility,” July 9) says it all. When I saw the July 8 front-page headline, “Cigarette Makers Liable in Florida Class-Action Case,” I shook my head. Nobody held a gun to these people’s heads and forced them to smoke! Now, rather than holding them responsible for their own actions, it’s blame someone else, which has become the mentality of today’s society.

It’s the smokers themselves who should be held responsible for their actions. If people didn’t buy cigarettes, the tobacco companies would go out of business.


Los Angeles


Many adults could fend for themselves against the tobacco industry’s advertisements of the past, in which smoking was encouraged without a mention of the hazards of tobacco. And, yes, it is an individual’s choice. But is it as easy for those under 18 to make the same mature choice?


Considering what we know now about tobacco from the lawsuits, and knowing how many of school age have taken to the weed, I think Ramirez is off base. The experience required in making tough choices is not inherent.


West Hollywood


I’m so happy for the cigarette smokers winning the lottery, or rather the class-action case. That encourages me with my suit against the fast-food industry for making me fat. I’m still looking for the warning labels on the double-chili cheeseburgers.


North Hollywood
