
Breathe In, and Be One With the Spud

Most of us long for patience and tranquillity in life, but few of us have the time. The Bonsai Potato Kit now offers Zen without the wait.

For those unschooled in Eastern philosophy, Zen is a journey of the mind through spiritual enlightenment and meditation. Throughout history, bonsai trees have fostered tranquillity and inner harmony (not to mention patience, since cultivating them takes hundreds of years). The bonsai potato promises inner peace in less than 10 minutes.

Developed in Seattle by Bottled Lightning, the kit includes an altar, gravel and a booklet with tips about choosing your potato and how to “be the potato,” in addition to the pros and cons of training this earthbound vegetable.


The book details the cycle of life and gives tips on letting go. “Emotionally, your potato will gradually become lethargic, then listless and finally totally unresponsive.” Cremation, cryogenics and burial are suggested means of disposal. Flushing is not recommended.

Check out for a gallery of finished potato visions.
