
CSUN Legal Clinic Offers Free Advice to Renters

Cal State Northridge provides free legal advice to low-income renters in the San Fernando Valley.

The Tenant Legal Clinic, staffed by college students and professors, offers advice and legal services concerning such problems as unreturned security deposits, apartment repairs, eviction and discrimination.

The program is designed to help community members while providing an opportunity for students to gain practical experience in landlord-tenant law.


The clinic is sponsored by CSUN’s departments of Business Law and Chicano Studies and the Southern California Advocacy Project, a nonprofit law firm.

The Tenant Legal Clinic serves clients from 2 to 4 p.m. most Tuesdays in Room 1204 of CSUN’s Business Building. Clients are seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

A 24-hour recorded information line--(818) 677-2025--provides directions, parking and other details in English and Spanish.
