
Publisher’s Poll Gets a Positive Read on Office Romances

L’affaire Lewinsky notwithstanding, nearly one-third of Americans think office romances are dandy, according to a survey conducted for Harlequin Enterprises Ltd.

Toronto-based Harlequin, the world’s largest publisher of romance novels, cast its eyes on Roper Starch Worldwide Inc. to query 1,000 men and women for their innermost thoughts on loving and working.

“Everyone perceives us as the experts in romance, so we figured we’d better bloody well be one,” Harlequin Vice President Katherine Orr said, explaining the publisher’s 10-year habit of romance-based surveying. Other polls have touched on dating habits and the cost of typical Valentine’s Day items.


Among this year’s findings: 81% of those surveyed believe that co-workers will continue to find romance on the job, 38% admitted to dating a co-worker, 12% claimed to have surprised co-workers in the throes of on-the-job hanky-panky and 9% confessed to workplace whoopee.
