
Earnings Watch

A sampling of companies reporting quarterly earnings Tuesday and expected to report today, ranked by year-over-year earnings-per-share (EPS) growth, compiled by First Call:

Reporting Tuesday in California


Analysts’ % above/ 1997 Yr- Ticker est. Actual below 4th-qtr. over-yr Company symbol EPS EPS est. EPS % change Chiron CHIR $0.14 $0.14 0% $0.13 +8%


Reporting Tuesday in the Nation


Analysts’ % above/ 1997 Yr- Ticker est. Actual below 4th-qtr. over-yr Company symbol EPS EPS est. EPS % change Coors ACCOB $0.21 $0.25 +19% $0.15 +67% Aon AOC 0.79 0.79 0 0.65 +22 Humana HUM 0.34 0.34 0 0.29 +17 Cooper Tire CTB 0.49 0.50 +2 0.44 +14 V.F. VFC 0.78 0.84 +8 0.74 +14 Unum UNM 0.73 0.71 --3 0.64 +11 Cons. Nat. Gas CNG 1.00 1.01 +1 0.92 +10 Barrick Gold ABX 0.20 0.21 +5 0.20 +5 Rubbermaid RBD 0.24 0.22 -8 0.21 +5 Cigna CI 1.00 1.04 +4 1.18 -12 Serv Corp Intl SRV 0.22 0.23 +5 0.36 -36 Grace (W.R.) GRA 0.30 0.33 +10 -0.26 NM



Expected Today in California


Ticker Analysts’ Yr-ago Pred. Company symbol est. EPS quarter % chg. Minimed MNMD $0.31 $0.21 +48% Foodmaker FM 0.36 0.29 +24 Ingram Micro IM 0.48 0.48 0


Expected Today in the Nation


Ticker Analysts’ Yr-ago Pred. Company symbol est.EPS quarter % chg. Pharmacia & Upjohn PNU $0.45 $0.35 +29% St. Jude Medical STJ 0.36 0.30 +20 NACCO NC 4.30 3.62 +19 American Intl Grp AIG 0.93 0.82 +13 Bestfoods BFO 0.64 0.58 +10 Allstate ALL 0.78 0.80 -3 Cendant CD 0.20 0.28 -29 Seagram VO 0.02 0.22 -91


Notes: NM = not meaningful. A loss in any period makes percentage change not calculable.

Year-over-year growth and percentage changes are based on earnings-per-share figures and may differ from percentage changes based on total profit.


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