
Silbar’s Points Raise Doubts

* Re “Dana Parsons’ Points Deserve Reply,” Letters, Aug. 15:

Letter writer Assistant Dist. Atty. Claudia Silbar is probably right when she questions whether columnist Dana Parsons would have written his column if the defendants were from Santa Ana and Latino.

It is the only time she is right.

It was necessary to throw a few lower-income whites to the dogs in order to justify the racist guilt-by-association policies that the prosecutors of this state pursue.

Under Silbar’s interpretation of vicarious liability, if someone wearing a school sweater hurt someone under the grandstand while the students cheered for their team, the student body would be guilty of the same crime.


To compare children with similar clothing who are carrying bottles to a party with armed co-conspirators in a bank robbery would be asinine if it were not sending children to state prison.

As it is, it is self-serving trash.


Laguna Beach
