
World’s Greatest Mom

Dear kids, young and old:

Do you have the very best mother in the world? Why is she so wonderful? What’s the best thing about your mom? What will you remember forever?

Please tell us about her--or draw us a picture or send a photo with a description.

And on Mother’s Day, we’ll share some of your responses with the world.

Please tell us about your mother in 50 words or fewer. Or send us a drawing or a copy of a favorite photograph. (These cannot be returned.) Send by April 21 to Mother’s Day, Southern California Living, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles, CA 90053; e-mail [email protected], or fax (213) 237-0732. Please include name, age (if you’re under 21), hometown and phone number. Submissions can’t be returned. No telephone calls, please.
