
LaBate to Leave Fullerton for Getty Position

Lynn LaBate, longtime exhibitions administrator at the Fullerton Museum Center, will be moving to an educational post at the Getty Center in Brentwood, effective May 3, Getty officials confirmed Tuesday.

The curator, originally hired as an educational consultant to the Fullerton center in 1988, will become an education specialist in charge of the Getty Center museum’s art information rooms. These “pavilions” are designed for adults who want to learn more about adjacent exhibitions and contain related displays and computers.

LaBate, who will be replaced, greatly contributed to efforts of the past several years to better “blend curatorial and educational” components in every exhibit, which made “the learning experience really accessible,” center director Joe Felz said.


She organized exhibits on an array of topics, from the Day of the Dead to California’s role in the history of American dining.

“From Dancing Goats to Voltaire’s Notes: The History, Geography and Technology of Coffee,” which she organized in 1995, won a national museum award from the American Assn. of Museums.
