
Rep. Burton Admits He Fathered a Child by Mistress

<i> From Associated Press</i>

Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) admitted Friday that he had an extramarital relationship in the early 1980s and fathered a child, the Indianapolis Star reported.

In the wake of reports that he had had an affair, the conservative told the newspaper that he wanted to go public, take the full criticism and deflect attention from the woman, their teenage son and her family members.

“I have apologized to my wife and family, whom I love. I apologize to my constituents. We live in a society that rightfully depends upon people taking responsibility for their actions. I have done so in this matter,” Burton said in a statement released Friday.


Burton, chairman of the House Government Reform and Oversight Committee, has been leading an investigation into President Clinton’s campaign finances. Last April, he called Clinton a “scumbag.” Burton later admitted that it was a poor choice of words but said he doesn’t believe that Clinton is “a man of integrity.”

Although Burton has been outspoken in his criticism of Clinton, he has focused on fund-raising and other matters, not the president’s relationship with former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky.

Burton’s spokesman, John Williams, said the congressman would have no comment and referred reporters to his statement. Burton represents suburban Indianapolis.


The newspaper report, appearing in today’s editions of the Star and Indianapolis News, did not disclose the names of the woman and boy. When contacted by the paper, the central Indiana woman did not discuss her relationship with Burton, which occurred when he served in the Indiana Senate and the woman worked for a state agency. Burton also did not identify the woman.

In a telephone interview Friday with the Star, Burton said the responsibility and blame are his alone.

“I have tried to be as straight as I could be with my family on all this. I tried to keep it between my family and this lady’s family,” Burton said.


Burton has been in Indiana for two days, meeting with the woman and child and discussing the situation with his family and closest friends.

“There was a relationship many years ago from which a child was born,” said the statement Burton released Friday. “I am the father. With my wife’s knowledge, I have fulfilled my responsibilities as the father. In an effort to protect the privacy of those involved, it was decided years ago among all parties that this matter would remain private. . . . After talking with her and her husband, as well as my wife and family, we have decided that it would be best for everyone involved that I make this matter public.”

However, Burton had never officially acknowledged the child as his son. His campaign literature only mentions the three children Burton has with his wife. The boy’s birth certificate does not list a father, and he has a different last name, the Star said.

Earlier this week, Burton warned a group of constituents that a story might be written in a national magazine about his private life.

Burton accused Clinton supporters of spreading rumors about him to reporters, which the White House denied.

“I have never perjured myself. I have never committed obstruction of justice,” Burton said in the statement.


“I have been as straight as an arrow in my public duty. But this is private.”
