
Youth Group Opens Drive to Encourage Recycling

A youth leadership group launched a drive Friday to encourage residents to protect the environment by recycling their trash.

Tree Musketeers, a organization with 272 school-age members, will be going door to door to sign up neighbors for their recycling program, said Executive Director Gail Church.

El Segundo is one of five cities in California that does not have a residential recycling program, so a group of students from Center Street School started one last year, she said.


The organization received a $63,000 grant from the state Department of Conservation and $17,000 from the American Forest and Paper Assn. to fund the project.

About 500 subscribing residents pay a monthly $6 fee to have their used paper, aluminum and plastic products picked up each week by the city’s trash hauler.

The children hope to double their subscriber base by next summer.
