All Saints Plans Celebration
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There will be a special celebration at All Saints Episcopal Church in Oxnard after the 11 a.m. service Sunday. Gerardo and Xochi Brambila will be honored for their service to the church.
All Saints is at 144 S. C St. For more information, call 483-2347.
Fulfillment to Be Sermon Topic
Steven Day, pastor of the Community Christian Church of Moorpark, will lead the 9 a.m. Sunday service on the topic “Finding Fulfillment in Life.” Fellowship will follow at 10:15.
The topic of the community Bible study at 9:30 a.m. Monday will be “Ancient Pathways for Modern Women.”
The church’s 12th anniversary celebration and barbecue is planned for Sept. 27.
The church is at 216 Moorpark Ave., No. 200. For more information, call Kathy Vollbrecht, the church’s office manager, at 529-3572.
Conejo Family Charity to Meet
The Conejo Valley office of Jewish Family Service of Los Angeles will hold its first volunteer information session at 4 p.m. Wednesday in Thousand Oaks. Information will be given on the volunteer programs that will be offered.
The local office is committed to providing the Conejo Valley with social service programs for individuals and families, said Helaine Esterson of Jewish Family Service.
The session will be held at the charity’s office at 100 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Suite 225, in Thousand Oaks. For information, call 379-2273.
Barbecues Serve as Outreach
St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Church of Thousand Oaks is concluding its summer outreach dinner and fund-raiser, called “Friday Family Gourmet Barbecue,” this week on the church grounds. Everyone is welcome.
The barbecue offers a variety of entrees and side dishes, available to take out or to eat on the premises. The barbecue will be from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Friday.
Steaks, fish and chicken dinners, hot dogs and beverages will be on the menu.
The barbecue team works in tandem with the charitable group People to People, which has served thousands of meals to local needy and homeless people.
St. Paschal Baylon is at 155 E. Janss Road. For information, call 496-0222.
School Applications Accepted
Applications for kindergarten and preschool are being accepted at Congregation B’nai Emet in Simi Valley.
A new after-school program for kindergarten through first grade is also being formed. Call 522-2214 for details.
Randy Cohen, professor of biology at CSUN, will discuss “Genetics in Genesis” at the Temple’s Friday service.
Call B’nai Emet at 581-3723 for information. It is at 4645 Industrial St., 2C.
Instruction in Japanese Language
The Oxnard Buddhist Church will offer instruction in reading, writing and speaking Japanese beginning Sept. 12.
The Japanese Language School will provide instruction to kindergartners through adults. The classes will run from from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturdays.
For more information, call the Rev. Kakei Nakagawa, the language school principal, at 483-5948.
The Oxnard Buddhist Church is at 250 South H St.
Dinner to Preview Alpha Course
Community Presbyterian Church of Ventura will host a preview dinner party for its Alpha Course at 5:30 p.m. Sept. 13.
“Alpha is a 10-week practical introduction to the Christian faith for the spiritually curious,” said Paul Dugan, the church’s minister of congregational life.
The evening will include a free barbecue, testimonies and a short talk on “Christianity: Boring, Irrelevant, Untrue?”
For location and reservation information, call 648-2737 by Thursday.
Community Presbyterian Church is at 1555 Poli St.
Annual Rally Day, Concert Set
The United Methodist Church of Thousand Oaks will hold its annual Rally Day and Youth Concert on Sept. 13.
“This is when we refocus our efforts after the summer months,” said the Rev. Terry Bushart. Activities begin at 10 a.m. with an outdoor worship service. A nine-piece youth Christian band from Escondido called “Godrocket” will be featured, as will the puppet ministry.
The traditional pit barbecue lunch will follow with chicken and hot dogs, at $5 for adults and $3 for children.
That evening, “Godrocket” will perform a free concert in the sanctuary at 6:30. Everyone is invited and refreshments will be served.
The church is at 1000 Janss Road. Bushart invites the community to join in its “40-year tradition of positive contributions via the homeless shelter, free meals program, senior concerns, Meals on Wheels, Manna, and other outreach activities.”
For more information about Rally Day, call 495-7215.
Temple to Hold Open House
Thousand Oaks’ Temple Etz Chaim will hold an open house at 11 a.m. Sept. 13. Prospective members are invited for a tour of the temple and the opportunity to meet with the rabbi.
The temple is at 1080 Janss Road. For information, call the temple office at 497-6891.
‘Journey Program’ Is for All Ages
A free 10-week “Journey Program” for children, youth and adults will begin Sept. 16 and run from 6 to 8 p.m. each Wednesday at Camarillo’s United Methodist Church. Child care will be provided.
“Journey Singers,” children in kindergarten through third grade, will learn music and movement with Lynn Decker-Mahin and choreographer Nema Pierce from 6 to 6:30 p.m.
“Journey with the Friendly Beasts,” for children in kindergarten through sixth grade, “will prepare a stable for the birth of the baby Jesus” while sharing songs, games and fun from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
“Club Journey,” for junior and senior high school youth, will have football, table tennis, pool, computer games and snacks each Wednesday from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
Junior and senior high school girls are invited to join Pierce in creating movements that interpret music. No previous dance experience is required. Interpretive dancers will meet in the sanctuary from 7 to 8 p.m.
The fall “Journey Class for Adults” will look at the spirit, attitude and mind of Christ, said Jim Decker-Mahin of the church.
Line-dancing classes will also be taught Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.
For more information, call Patricia Carroll at 482-4312. Camarillo United Methodist is at 291 Anacapa Drive.
Church Offers Women’s Retreat
Women’s Ministries of the Oxnard First Baptist Church will sponsor “The Oasis,” a one-day personal retreat open to all interested women, on Sept. 19.
Conducted by a leadership team from the Network of Evangelical Women in Ministry, Oasis retreats are “designed for women who long for a closer walk with God, and want to gain skills in holding their own personal retreats,” said Olive Mobley of the church.
The $20 retreat will run from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and will include lunch and all materials. For more details, call 483-2205 days or 385-9645 evenings.
Oxnard First Baptist is at 936 W. 5th St.
40th Anniversary Dinner Planned
Ventura’s Unitarian Universalist Church will celebrate its 40th anniversary Sept. 26 with dinner, entertainment and a time of remembering, said church member Karen Fenton.
Dinner tickets at $5 per person are for sale on the church patio. The reservation deadline is Sept. 13.
For more information, call the church at 676-6464. It is at 4949 Foothill Road.
Seminary President Will Lecture
Fuller Seminary President Richard Mouw will give a lecture Oct. 4 at Ventura’s Community Presbyterian Church titled “Christian Faithfulness in a Culture of Confusion.”
A philosopher, scholar and author, Mouw serves as the president of the largest seminary in North America, said Paul Dugan, minister of Community Presbyterian’s congregational life. The free lecture begins at 6 p.m. Child care will be provided with three days’ advance notice.
Mouw will also present that day’s two worship services, at 8:45 and 10:30 a.m.
He is the author of two books, “Uncommon Decency” and “Consulting the Faithful.”
Community Presbyterian is at 1555 Poli St. For additional information, call the church at 648-2737.
Religion Briefs runs each Saturday. Please submit items at least a week in advance to Religion Briefs, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. Items must have a publishable phone number.