
Dodgers Don’t Care if They Don’t Please All the People

Sheffield won’t stay because Bonilla might be traded. Bonilla insists that he feels stronger because he has adhered to an intense off-season workout (hold on, I am calculating . . . today is Friday, the World Series ended Wednesday, the regular season ended Sept. 27: 26 days of “intense off-season” workout). Bonilla doesn’t like the way things are handled. Show them both the door.

Then Dodger management might take a lesson from the World Series champion New York Yankees and fill the roster with solid, day-in, day-out players who don’t have egos as big as their paychecks. How about some no-names on the team like Wells, Brosius and Ledee?



Gary Sheffield has shared he would be unhappy if Bobby Bonilla does not return to the Dodgers. Well, Mr. Sheffield, I have news for you. Davey Johnson, your new boss, is the type of manager who will tell you when you can and cannot be happy.




By stating that he and Bob Graziano would consult with them before making an offer to a managerial candidate, Kevin Malone confirmed this week what we have known all along. Tweedledee and Tweedledum, Peter Chernin and Chase Carey, are running the Dodgers, right into the ground. Long gone are the days when employees and customers counted for something. It will be a long time before they ever see 3 million in attendance again too.

DAVE SNYDER, Grand Terrace


As a former Dodger fan, I am impressed by the integrity of the managers who have turned down offers to manage the Dodgers.

It is obvious they don’t want to ruin their reputations by working for Rupert Murdoch, the man who has brought a great tradition of the Dodgers to the lowest level since the Black Sox scandal.




Ross Newhan’s commentary on the Dodgers [Oct. 20] was right on target. In reality, it was an indictment. Fox has succeeded in destroying everything except Dodger Stadium, and if what I read is true, that is also in their plans.

I certainly do not live in the past, but with the Dodgers we have been given no choice.

JOE GUELPE, Culver City
