
Deputies Get New Nonemergency Line

A new telephone number for reporting nonemergency incidents to Orange County Sheriff’s deputies went into effect this week. The number is (949) 770-6011.

San Clemente residents with life-threatening emergencies, such as heart attacks, should still call 911. The new number is meant to be used to request items such as reports on thefts and parking disputes.

The change means residents no longer have to pay a toll to reach the city’s sheriff substation, according to officials.


An older number frequently used by residents, (714) 288-6742, will still connect callers to the dispatcher and will remain a 714 number.

Stickers with the new dispatch number and other important numbers for law enforcement services will be sent to residents with their October utilities bill. Additional stickers can be picked up at city offices at 100 Avenida Presidio, 100 Calle Seville and 910 Calle Negocio.
