
Is KABC-AM Talking Out the Right Side of Its Mouth?

Judith Michaelson’s article on KABC-AM’s new afternoon host, Al Rantel, was informative, fair and balanced (“Defying Expectations,” Oct. 8). I wish I could say the same for the station’s new program direction.

The “rightward turn” at KABC to which Michaelson refers is neither a coincidence nor a result of quiet design of station management. When KABC replaces its liberal/moderate hosts in favor of 10 straight hours of conservative rhetoric, the plea “we want a new audience” comes through loud and clear--and it is no secret that the audience they covet lives at KFI.

One can only wonder about the future of the liberal duo of Ken & Peter on the station’s morning show. Watch out, guys, you could be next.


RICHARD ROSE, Chatsworth


KABC is the only mainstream radio station that offers a daytime lineup that is 100% minorities. Dennis Prager is Jewish, Larry Elder is black and Al Rantel is gay. (Add Paul Harvey, a senior citizen, and Stephanie Miller, a woman, and you have 12 straight hours of minority representation.)

These folks disagree among themselves on many issues, including the minimum wage and drug decriminalization. The fact that Prager’s, Elder’s and Rantel’s opinions run contrary to stereotypes underscores the fact that we are a nation not of groups and categories but of individuals.



KABC has become so right-wing that by contrast, Rush Limbaugh sounds like a moderate. KABC now has 10 straight hours of ideological blather: three hours of holier-than-thou Prager, a tedious harangue by a vacant Rantel and an endless frothing at the mouth by a bombastic Elder.


SIDNEY J. KAPLAN, Laguna Hills


I had been a loyal listener at KABC for many years. When Michael Jackson anchored the station, it was an oasis of common sense, courtesy and intelligence. I read with amusement that Al Rantel is gay and chuckled about the new politically correct lineup: the Jewish Rush Limbaugh followed by the gay Rush Limbaugh followed by the black Rush Limbaugh.

EDWARD FINE, Los Angeles
