
Mother Pleads Not Guilty in Girl’s Torture


A Santa Ana woman accused of punishing her 7-year-old daughter by burning her with a steam iron pleaded not guilty Friday to charges of torture and willful cruelty to a child.

Christina Ramirez Gayosso, 29, was arrested Oct. 14 after a teacher spotted a burn mark, resembling the shape of an iron, on the child. A school nurse later found additional burns.

“The form of punishment that the child received was inhumane,” said Santa Ana Police Sgt. Steve Despenas.


Police said the mother had not sought medical treatment for the girl.

Investigators said Gayosso told them the burns her daughter suffered were accidental, but later admitted they were punishment for stealing a small amount of money from the mother’s pocketbook.

Gayosso was held on $10,000 bail.

Superior Court Judge Charles Margines issued a protective order, under which the mother cannot see the daughter until at least May.

Both the girl and her infant sister were placed in protective custody.
