
Evaluating Teachers

Ventura County high school students are invited to enter a monthly essay contest sponsored by The Times. This month’s topic:

Would a system of formal evaluations of teachers by students help improve the quality of a high school education, or would it be harmful?

Here are the rules:

* Eligibility: Any Ventura County high school student may enter.

* Content: Essays must be no longer than 600 words.

* Required information: Entries must include the writer’s name, age, grade and school. A home address and phone number must be supplied but will not be published.


* Deadline: Essays must be received by noon May 25.

* Submission: Entries should be mailed or delivered to: Education Page Editor, Los Angeles Times, 93 S. Chestnut St., Ventura 93001. They may be submitted by fax (653-7576) or e-mail to [email protected]

* Judging: Winning entries will be chosen by Times editors for originality, persuasiveness, logic and writing. Research and reference will be considered.

* Publication: Contestants must agree to publication of their work in the newspaper and on The Times’ Web site, subject to editing.


* Prizes: The winner, to receive $100, will be announced on the Education Page on June 1.
