
Candidates Forum Takes Place Today

Several candidates in the June 2 primary election will discuss the state of the economy and businesses in California and the Valley today at a forum sponsored by the State Issues Committee of the Valley Industry and Commerce Assn.

Broadcast journalist Ron Olsen of KTLA-TV will moderate the forum, scheduled from noon to 2 p.m. at the Warner Center Marriott, 21850 Oxnard St. in Woodland Hills.

Expected to participate are Los Angeles City Councilman Richard Alarcon and state Assemblyman Richard Katz, Democratic candidates for the 20th District state Senate seat; Lee Baca, Bill Baker, incumbent Sheriff Sherman Block and Patrick Gomez, candidates for Los Angeles County sheriff; and Charles Calderon, Mike Capizzi, Bill Lockyer, Lynn Schenk and Dave Stirling, candidates for state attorney general.


“We want to educate our members on both the candidates and their jobs, and to educate the candidates on our needs,” said Sanford Paris, a past chairman of VICA.

Admission to the public debate is $10, including lunch and parking.

For more information, call (818) 888-2228.
