
Interchange Contract on Council Agenda

The City Council tonight will consider approval of a $1.5-million contract for the design of the Avenida Vista Hermosa and Interstate 5 interchange.

Should the city approve the contract, Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates will prepare plans including design of the traffic signal at Calle Frontera and Avenida Vista Hermosa.

Officials said the new freeway interchange will help relieve congestion. More traffic is expected with the completion of the Forster Ranch and Talega Valley residential developments.


The design could be approved by the California Department of Transportation in October 1999; construction should start in 2000. The city is overseeing the $17.5-million project, funded by developer and traffic impact fees and county Measure M funds, said Jim Holloway, community development director.

The 7 p.m. meeting will be held at City Hall, 100 Avenida Presidio.

Information: (714) 361-8345.
