
Soccer Coach Questioned by Deputies


Craig Fulladosa, the Highland High girls’ soccer coach, said he has been placed on a leave of absence by the school district and questioned by police Thursday about Internet pornography.

Fulladosa said he was escorted to administrative offices by L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies during school, questioned by the officers and told by administrators that he was placed on leave.

“I’m baffled,” Fulladosa said. “They mentioned the allegations . . . and I said, ‘Am I being arrested?’ and they said no. They asked me a couple of questions about things I know nothing about.”


Fulladosa said a computer hard drive was stolen from his school office while he was on a recent vacation and a personal e-mail account was tampered with at that time.

Fulladosa, 40, has been the Highland girls’ coach for one season. An art teacher at Highland, he coached the boys’ soccer team from 1991-94.
