
Birth Control

“The Chill in Birth Control Research” (March 23) states “side effects [of contraception] are inevitable among a population of young, healthy women.” The fact is that most women using contraception are not told of this “inevitability,” nor are they counseled about long-term effects of contraception, nor told of the manner in which their chosen contraceptive works.

Few women are told, for example, that use of the pill, Norplant, Depo-Provera, or an IUD may allow fertilization of the egg, but will abort the pregnancy by not allowing the egg to implant in the wall of the uterus. Should we not reconsider the sometimes well-intentioned efforts to pump women full of synthetic chemicals and hormones with not fully documented side effects? Should the FDA, drug companies and doctors bear no blame for the “inevitable” consequences? There are other natural options out there.


El Segundo
