
Also. . .

* Broderbund Software Inc. said it fired 70 employees, or 6.4% of its 1,100-person worldwide work force, to cut costs as the expense of marketing its popular “Riven” fantasy game rose more than expected. Most of the positions will be eliminated at the firm’s Novato headquarters and Petaluma and Mountain View offices, said Eric Winkler, senior marketing manager for the education- and entertainment-software maker. Broderbund shares fell $1.75 to close at $18.88 on Nasdaq.

* San Rafael-based Children’s Discovery Centers of America Inc. said it agreed to be acquired by closely held Knowledge Universe for as much as $99.1 million in cash, as Knowledge Universe expands its educational services to children from infancy through eighth grade.

* San Francisco-based California Federal Bank said that it had signed an agreement to sell its Florida bank franchise to the Florida unit of Union Planters Corp. for $110 million.
