
Public Representative Sought for Agency

Ventura County’s Local Agency Formation Commission is seeking an individual to serve as the sole public representative.

LAFCO, an independent agency created by the state to oversee land-use policy, is made up of seven voting members.

Two are representatives from the Board of Supervisors, two from the county’s city councils, two from special districts such as the parks agency and one member of the public.


The public member is generally selected first as an alternate for two years. Afterward, the alternate joins the commission for a two-year term.

LAFCO meets at 9 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month at the Board of Supervisors’ chambers at the Government Center in Ventura.

The successful appointee will be required to file a financial disclosure statement with the Fair Political Practices Commission.


Interviews will be conducted by a specially appointed LAFCO subcommittee, which will forward a recommendation to the commission.

The commission will make the final appointment.

Interested individuals should send a letter and resume to Executive Officer Arnold Dowdy at 800 S. Victoria Ave., Ventura 93009.

For more information, call 854-2576.
