

Let’s hear it for the Lord. According to a recent study at Duke University, people who attend religious services once a week tend to be healthier than those who don’t. Researchers looked at 1,718 adults older than 65 and found that those who attended weekly worship were less likely to have high blood levels of an immune-system protein associated with age-related diseases. Sometimes, the Lord works in non-mysterious ways.

Our Friend the Soybean

If religion isn’t your bag and you’re worried about cancer, you might want to consider a diet rich in soy protein. Soy may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer, according to a study in the spring issue of Prime Health & Fitness. In a five-year study conducted by the National Cancer Institute, the soybean emerged as one of the best foods to prevent cancer growth. The study also suggests these steps to cutting your cancer risk: Limit saturated fats and red meats, eat five to nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and eat dietary fiber daily. But prayer probably wouldn’t hurt.

Super Mom

Talk about beating the odds. In a statistical rarity, a 46-year-old woman gave birth to a healthy girl last month at Torrance Memorial Hospital. The woman conceived through in vitro fertilization using her own eggs. According to the Pacific Coast Reproductive Center, the mother may be one of the oldest women ever in the U.S. to deliver using her own eggs.


Nip ‘n’ Tuck

Michael Jackson, Phyllis Diller and Joan Rivers. Three popular entertainers, but at what price? Apparently too high a price for most Americans, who are not willing to undergo plastic surgery as these three have. According to the March issue of Living Fit, only one in six in a national survey of men and women 35 to 65 would consider surgical self-improvement. The survey found that only 4% had actually undergone cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgeries often arise from a body-image crisis. One look at Jackson, Diller or Rivers, however, might cancel appointments with the operating room.
