
Police, Weyerhaeuser Team Up for Team

In an effort to aid the Santa Paula High School boys’ basketball program, the Peace Officers Assn. of Ventura County and Weyerhaeuser Co. will sponsor a men’s five-on-five double elimination basketball tournament.

Beginning at 8 a.m. March 28 at the Santa Paula High School gymnasium, the Citrus Valley Classic Basketball Tournament will pit 10 teams against one another to raise money for the boys’ varsity team.

The $175-per-team entry fee will be used to purchase uniforms and equipment for the team, said Liz Scott of the basketball booster club.


Deadline for registration, which is limited to 10 teams, is 5 p.m. March 20 at the Santa Paula Community Center at 530 W. Main St.

For information on the tournament, call 933-4217 or 933-2029.
