
Pair Plead Not Guilty to Fleeing Sheriff’s Bus

Two inmates pleaded not guilty Monday at their arraignment on felony escape charges three days after allegedly fleeing an Orange County Sheriff’s Department bus while traveling to court. They were captured Saturday, a day later.

Orange County Municipal Judge Steven Perk ordered Eric Quoc Vu, 19, and Chancole Eddie Rajapasith, 20, held without bail in Orange County Jail. They must appear in court next month at separate hearings.

Law enforcement officers launched a massive manhunt Friday after the handcuffed men were discovered missing from the bus when it reached Orange County Superior Court, about half a mile from the jail.


The men were being held on suspicion of auto theft, robbery and receiving stolen property.

Members of the sheriff’s Gang Enforcement Team and the Orange County Probation Department found Vu and Rajapasith in Anaheim, hiding in a room over a garage.
