
Compost Workshop Scheduled Today

The city of Los Angeles Bureau of Sanitation is offering a free backyard composting workshop and compost bin sale today in Griffith Park.

The workshop will run from 10 to 11 a.m. at the Griffith Park Compost Facility, 5400 Griffith Park Drive.

An expert composter will teach basic composting principles and show compost-turning techniques. The focus will be on turning yard trimmings and kitchen scraps into a nutrient-rich soil amendment.


Information on vermi-posting, using worms to turn kitchen scraps into a soil enhancement, will also be given.

Compost bins that normally cost $100 will be on sale for as little as $20 to those who bring proof of Los Angeles residency, such as a driver’s license or utility bill.

The workshops are given every fourth Saturday of the month from March to November. For more information on upcoming workshops, call (213) 893-8251.
