
Obituaries - July 14, 1998

Acosta, Lawrence A. Jr., 28, of Pacoima, packer. J.T. Oswald Mortuary, San Fernando.

Faehnle, Anthony P., 91, of North Hollywood, retired horse wrangler for Warner Bros.. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Garcia, Saul, 18, of Pacoima, self-employed installer. Rucker’s Mortuary, Pacoima.

Martinez, Raymond, 32, of Pacoima, manager. J.T. Oswald Mortuary, San Fernando.

Rose, Melvin, 80, of Burbank, retired salesman for National Write Your Congressman Club. Forest Lawn, Hollywood Hills.

Obituaries are published free of charge as a public service to readers. They are based on information provided by mortuaries.
