
James Hormel

James Pinkerton, in his opinion regarding James Hormel and the GOP (Commentary, July 9), needs to be set straight on one thing regarding what the Bible says about homosexuality. Pinkerton points out that “Jesus never even mentions the subject of homosexuality,” leaving the reader with the impression that Jesus either approved of homosexual relations or he didn’t care. Wrong! Jesus teaches us that the standard for intimate, sexual relationships is between a married man and woman (Matthew 19: 4-6). Additionally, the New Testament is replete with passages that condemn homosexuality. Next time Pinkerton wants to cite the Bible to support his arguments, he should probably read it first.


Diamond Bar


Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott (R-Miss.) will not allow a vote to come to the floor on Hormel to be ambassador to Luxembourg. His reason? He has wrong American values. How lucky we are to live in America at this time and have a person such as Lott to protect us and decide for us what are American values, how to pray and what to believe and live by.

Where has democracy gone? When will it be brought back? Hopefully, in November, when our votes will show how tired we are of the actions and inaction of the few Republicans who wish to gain more power, by controlling how we live and think.



Laguna Hills


Congratulations to Pinkerton for finally being on the right--er, correct--side of an issue. Why aren’t the Bible-thumpers demanding death for anyone who works on Sunday or swears using the Lord’s name? Republican pollster Linda DiVall should heed her numbers. The reason people perceive the GOP as “narrow-minded and intolerant” is because it is narrow-minded and intolerant--as even Pinkerton realizes.


Culver City
