
It’s Got Zing

Say goodbye to the World Wide Wait. San Francisco start-up Zing Network has introduced a free software program that takes advantage of those annoying waiting periods when Web pages are downloading by entertaining Web surfers with jokes, famous quotes, pictures of cars or even foreign-language flash cards.

When a Web browser goes looking for a new site, the program produces a pop-up screen that displays images from one of eight categories, ranging from rock stars to fine art. Once the page has loaded, the player recedes into a corner of the computer screen--until the browser goes surfing again.

The Zing player refreshes its supply of images by visiting a Zing server while the browser is idle, so it doesn’t interfere with the user’s primary Web-surfing activity. The images--which require 10k to 90k of memory each--expire automatically to avoid cluttering up the hard drive.


The nearly 2-year-old company plans to make money through partnerships with content providers such as Rolling Stone magazine and by selling ads. Advertising will be limited to no more than 10% of content so users stay with the service, said President and Chief Executive Mark Platshon.

Web surfers have been able to download the free player at since last month, but Platshon said it’s too soon to say how many people are actually using it.
