
It’s Brazil News Lite

Now starting at forward for Brazil . . . Number 9 . . . Ronaldo McDonald?

Such is the hysterical fear of all of Brazil after the revelation by the Brazilian team physician Lidio Toledo that Ronaldo could be as many as five pounds overweight heading into Friday’s quarterfinal against Denmark.

Brazilian media reacted with typical restraint. One newspaper featured a photograph of Ronaldo sampling a massive slab of meat during a team barbecue Monday and asked readers to respond to the survey question, “Do you think Ronaldo is overweight?”

Ronaldo scoffed at the suggestion, telling reporters, “For two years, I have been this weight and height. I have [won] one Spanish and one Italian championship at this weight and nothing has changed since.”


Except now the media follows his every move, including every time he lifts his fork to his mouth.
