
Bad Site for a School

It is discouraging to read of Capistrano Unified School District’s plan to build a high school on 12 acres of sensitive wetlands habitat (Jan. 22). What kind of example are they trying to set for our children? That it’s OK to act like any greedy insensitive developer and destroy some of the last rapidly disappearing wetlands from Orange County, along with their endangered species? Well, it’s not OK, and the school district should be chastised.

Surely, there are other sites to build a high school, as identified by the wildlife agencies in the news article. For the Capistrano Unified School District to insist on building on the wetlands shows their ignorance of the laws, and the practicality and expense of trying to mitigate the lost endangered species habitat elsewhere.

Their proposal is so foolish as to render them a laughingstock.


Newport Beach
