
Checkpoint Results in One DUI Arrest

One person was arrested for driving under the influence and seven vehicles were towed away during a sobriety checkpoint over the weekend, police said Sunday.

Oxnard and Point Hueneme police stopped 445 vehicles at the checkpoint at South Saviers Road in front of Centerpoint Mall, between Laurel Street and Channel Islands Boulevard, from 9 p.m. Saturday to 1 a.m. Sunday, according to Oxnard police officer and traffic coordinator Ken Klopman.

Drivers were screened for signs of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol and whether they had a valid driver’s license.


Police administered three sobriety tests, and one person was arrested for driving under the influence. Seven citations were issued for driver’s license violations, and four were given for vehicle code infractions.

Seven vehicles were towed--one driven by a motorist under the influence and six driven by unlicensed drivers, according to a police report.

The sobriety checkpoint was the 25th since Oxnard police received a $380,000 grant from the state office of traffic safety in January 1997. According to police statistics, crashes caused by drunk drivers in the city have dropped 25% since 1995.
