
Charity Scorecard

The “Sellebration of the Sisters” black-tie gala on Jan. 17 honored the sisters who serve at Little Company of Mary, San Pedro Peninsula and Bay Harbor hospitals and netted $169,000 for Little Company of Mary’s Torrance-based community outreach programs. The fund-raiser, held in the former Macy’s space at The Shops at Palos Verdes, featured live and silent auctions.


More than 1,000 guests attended the recent dinner gala opening the Ontario Convention Center. Guests who paid $150 a ticket, donors of items to the silent auction and celebrity entertainer Debby Boone helped raise $130,000 for San Antonio Community Hospital Foundation’s student scholarships and other programs. The event was sponsored by the Corporate 2000 Council Dinner Committee.


Has your group held a recent charity fund-raiser? Let us know about it. We will report on selected local benefit projects and events. Please tell us about your organization and the charity you support, how much you raised, how the charity uses your gift and the details of your event--what, when and where. Send a letter or press release to Social Sunday, Life & Style section, Los Angeles Times, Times Mirror Square, Los Angeles CA 90053, or fax to (213) 237-4888.
