
Museum Quality

The Super Bowl attracts record television audiences each year, making it a showcase for advertising. The Museum of Television and Radio has selected 51 commercials from the last 13 Super Bowls for a film now airing at the Beverly Hills museum.

Among the spots highlighted:

* A small boy is sucked into a Pepsi bottle as his sister tattles, “Mom, he’s done it again.” The 1995 commercial ranks among the most popular Super Bowl spots ever. Agency: BBDO, New York

* In another 1995 Pepsi spot, a delivery driver for Pepsi enters a diner, where he meets his counterpart from Coke. A fistfight ensues when the Coke driver insists on drinking his rival’s Pepsi. Agency: BBDO, New York


* Master Lock commercials showing a sharpshooter failing to blast open a padlock appeared in 22 consecutive Super Bowls, ending in 1996. Even small companies have shared in Super Bowl hype. Agency: Cramer-Krasselt, Milwaukee

* Chicago Bulls star Michael Jordan teams up with Bugs Bunny in a 1992 ad pitching Nike athletic shoes. The commercial inspired the 1996 film “Space Jam.” Agency: Wieden & Kennedy, Portland, Ore.

* A 1990 Nissan commercial showing a 300ZX Turbo sports car racing with a jet was heavily criticized for glorifying speedy driving. The commercial never aired again--an example of a super flop. Agency: TBWA Chiat/Day, Venice
