
Chlorinated Water Leaks Into Tap Lines

Tap water in an upscale neighborhood tasted a little like chlorine Monday because of a leak in the area’s pipeline, water officials said.

Crews from the Calleguas Metropolitan Water District were disinfecting a new, 4-foot-diameter pipeline near the Wood Ranch area after a valve leaked chlorinated water, said Donald Kendall, general manager of Calleguas.

Just after noon, the chlorinated water flowed into the pipeline system for Wood Ranch, sending residents to their phones to complain, Kendall said.


“We got many, many calls,” he said. “I’m sorry this happened.”

The leak, however, posed no health hazard--chlorine levels measured at 1.8 parts per million, only slightly above the average of 1.2 to 1.4, Kendall said.

But to appease upset customers, Calleguas crews funneled the chlorinated water into Lake Bard, the district’s surface water reservoir, while pumping new water into the Wood Ranch pipeline.

Workers are expected to repair the valve within the next few days, Kendall said.
