
City Council Has Annual Retreat Today

Mayor Steve Dicterow and members of the City Council will forgo the television cameras, microphones and podium for a simple round-table today, when the council has its annual retreat.

But officials are hardly jetting off to a Palm Springs resort. They are meeting at 8 a.m. in the Laguna Beach County Water District boardroom for four to six hours.

More informal than regular meetings, the retreat is a public forum for council members to talk about upcoming issues, Dicterow said. The Treasure Island mobile home park redevelopment, the city’s 10-year capital improvement program, and flood control in the Laguna Canyon area are among the topics likely to be discussed.


City Manager Kenneth Frank is the only staff member attending the retreat, which will culminate in a closed-session meeting for Frank’s annual evaluation. Frank, 53, has been the city manager for 19 years. His base annual salary is nearly $120,400.
